NEW YORK CITY: After a national search to replace American Theatre editor-in-chief Jim O’Quinn, who recently announced his plans to step down from the magazine he helped found in 1984, publisher Theatre Communications Group (TCG) has hired Rob Weinert-Kendt, the senior editor at American Theatre, to succeed O’Quinn.
Weinert-Kendt previously served as the founding editor-in-chief of Back Stage West, content manager for Theatre Development Fund, and cofounder of StageGrade. He writes about theatre frequently for the New York Times and America magazine.
“I am profoundly honored to follow Jim, a true publishing pioneer and a tireless champion of two great, often embattled arts—theatre and good journalism,” said Weinert-Kendt. “Under his leadership, American Theatre has covered the nation’s resident theatre movement with acuity and elegance for three decades. I plan to follow his example as best I can, while expanding the magazine’s reach into other platforms and media to keep it relevant and timely in our ever-changing digital age.”
Weinert-Kendt and O’Quinn will appear together in a session at TCG’s upcoming national conference in Cleveland, June 18-20, discussing the history and legacy of the magazine.
“AT is in great hands,” O’Quinn said of the transition. “Working with Rob on staff these past six years, and for many years before that as a freelance writer, I’ve learned what a pro he is—a top-of-the-line journalist and a sharp, discerning observer of the theatre.”
Teresa Eyring, TCG’s executive director, added, “In addition to his journalistic expertise, passion for the art form and innovative spirit about what’s possible for the magazine’s future, Rob embraces TCG’s mission as the national organization for theatre, and our efforts to build a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive theatre field.”
Weinert-Kendt will assume his new title on July 1. O’Quinn will share editorial duties on the Sept. ’15 issue of American Theatre, then plans to continue as a contributing writer from his new home base in New Orleans.