NEW YORK CITY: The MAP Fund has announced 37 new works in contemporary performing arts that will receive a total of $1.2 million in direct support for project development, creation and premiere through 2017.
Primarily supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, with additional funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and administered by Creative Capital, the MAP Fund was established in 1989 and has since supported more than 1,000 new works of performance with a total of $27 million, making it among the longest-running grant programs in arts philanthropy. Grants range from $20,000 to $40,000, with additional funds provided for general operating expenses and artists’ professional development.
This year’s MAP Fund 2015 grantee projects are:
• 3-Legged Dog, Inc. for 3/5 (Three Fifths) by James Scruggs and Michael Counts
• American Composers Orchestra for a new multimedia work for orchestra (title TBA) by Alex Temple
• ArtSpot Productions for Vessels by Rebecca Mwase and Jeff Becker
• Bang on a Can, Inc. for The Spinning Piece (working title) by Maya Beiser and Julia Wolfe
• Beth Morrison Projects, Inc. for Real Enemies by Darcy James Argue, Peter Nigrini and Isaac Butler
• Boulder County Arts Alliance for The Rehearsal Artist by Michelle Ellsworth
• Brava! For Women in the Arts for Mathematics of Love by Cherríe Moraga
• Center Stage Associates, Inc. for Pipeline Project by Anna Deavere Smith
• DC Wheel Productions, Inc. / dba for Dance Place antithesis by Gesel Mason
• Double Edge Theatre for The Transformation Project by the Double Edge Ensemble
• Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle for Those Who Remain by Wayne Horvitz, Yohei Saito and Yukio Suzuki
• Edge Zones, Inc. for Arrayanos by Sagrario Oquet
• Fractured Atlas, Inc. for BLACK GIRL: Linguistic Play by Camille A. Brown and Scott Patterson
• Fractured Atlas, Inc. for Black Man, Running by Working Narratives
• Harlem Stage / Aaron Davis Hall, Inc. for Hush Arbor (The Opera) by Imani Uzuri
• Inta, Inc. for A Body in Places by Eiko Otake and William Johnston
• Interact Center for the Visual and Performing Arts for Feast of Fools by Jeanne Calvit and Kevin Kling
• Khmer Arts Academy for Beloved by Prumsodun Ok
• LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) for O Solitude, My sweetest choice! by Radhouane El Meddeb
• Links Hall, Inc. for Buffer Overrun (working title) by Ginger Krebs
• Living Arts of Tulsa for ALIENS Taco Truck Theater Project by José Torres-Tama & Arte Futuro Productions
• Mixed Blood Theatre Company for All Latino All The Time (working title) by Mark Valdez and Jack Rueler
• New York Foundation for the Arts, Inc. for Shooting Columbus by Denise Uyehara, Adam Cooper-Terán and Rachel Bowditch
• New York Live Arts for DISCOTROPIC by niv Acosta
• New York Live Arts for he his own mythical beast (working title) by David Thomson
• On the Boards for Clear & Sweet by Zoe Scofield and Juniper Shuey
• Opera Saratoga for The Long Walk by Jeremy Howard Beck and Stephanie Fleischmann
• Performance Space 122 for Yesterday Tomorrow by Annie Dorsen
• Performance Zone, Inc. / The Field for OTRO TEATRO: An Epilogue by luciana achugar
• PRISM Quartet, Inc. for Color Theory by Ken Ueno, PRISM Quartet and Partch Ensemble
• Queer Cultural Center for Chronic by Keith Hennessy
• Spectrum Dance Theater for Rap on Race by Donald Byrd
• Studio REV- for CareForce by Marisa Morán Jahn
• Thin Man Dance, Inc. for ELIJAH GREEN by Andrew Ondrejcak and Tanya Selvaratnam
• University of Central Arkansas College of Fine Arts and Communication for Little Rock Nine by Tania León and Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
• Yerba Buena Gardens Festival for Beyond the Blues: A Prison Oratorio by Marcus Shelby
• Young Jean Lee’s Theater Company, Inc. for American History Project (title TBA) by Young Jean Lee
MAP Fund awardees are selected through an intensive, three-phase application process. In September 2014, MAP issued an open call for Letters of Inquiry and received 825 applications. Working with 62 curators, programmers and other arts professionals from around the country, MAP invited 514 of those projects to submit full proposals. 216 of those proposals moved to the panel review stage, where panelists selected the 37 funded projects. The 2015 MAP Fund panelists are:
- Ambrose Akinmusire, artist (Calif./N.Y.)
- Beth Boone, artistic and executive director, Miami Light Project (Fla.)
- Brad Carlin, managing director, Fusebox Festival (Tex.)
- Jean Cook, musician, producer and director of programs, Future of Music Coalition (Washington, D.C./N.Y.)
- Jess Edkins, creative producer, Performance Space 122 (N.Y.)
- Miguel Gutierrez, artist (N.Y.)
- Caleb Hammons, associate producer, Fisher Center for the Performing Arts and co-curator, CATCH (N.Y.)
- Joshua Kohl, cofounder and codirector, Degenerate Art Ensemble (Wash.)
- Cynthia Oliver, artistic director, Cynthia Oliver Co. Dance Theatre and professor of dance, University of Illinois (Ill.)
- Cristal Chanelle Truscott, artistic director/playwright and founder, Progress Theatre (Tex.)
- Kinan Valdez, producing artistic director, El Teatro Campesino (Calif.)
- Renae Williams Niles, vice president of programming, the Music Center (Calif.)
- Stephanie Ybarra, director of Special Artistic Projects, the Public Theater (N.Y.)