Alongside the expected onslaught of holiday fare, both traditional and alternative, come a few other dark, wintry visitors—witches, beasts, tyrants, serial killers and Cruella Deville.

"Beauty and the Beast" by Charles Way, at Arden Theatre Company in Philadelphia through Feb. 1, 2015. Pictured: Matteo Scammel. (Photo by Mark Garvin)
Onstage This Week: Dec. 1-8, 2014
Alongside the expected onslaught of holiday fare, both traditional and alternative, come a few other dark, wintry visitors—witches, beasts, tyrants, serial killers and Cruella Deville. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to copies of our quarterly print magazine and helps support a long legacy of quality nonprofit arts journalism.