The plan is the body.
There is each moment a pattern.
There is each time something
for everyone.
The plan is the body.
The mind is in the head.
It’s a moment in time,
an instant, second.
The rhythm of one
and one, and one, and one.
The two, the three.
The plan is in the body.
Hold it an instant,
in the mind—hold it.
What was said you
said. The two, the three
times in the body,
hands, feet, you remember—
I, I remember, I
speak it, speak it.
The plan is the body.
Times you didn’t want to,
times you can’t think
you want to, you.
Me, me, remember, me
here, me wants to, me
am thinking of you.
The plan is the body.
The plan is the body.
The sky is the sky
The mother, the father—
the plan is the body.
Who can read it.
Plan is the body. The mind
is the plan. I—
speaking. The memory
gathers like memory, plan,
I thought to remember,
thinking again, thinking.
The mind is the plan of the mind.
The plan is the body.
The plan is the body.
The plan is the body.
The plan is the body.
From the Collected Poems of Robert Creeley, 1945-1975, Copyright 1982. Reprinted by permission of the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.